Anmeldung: Statistics – Logistic Regression [ENG]
Dieser Kurs startet am 04.06.2024.
- 04.06.2024, 09:00 bis 13:30 Uhr, Online
- Dr. Michael Plöchl, Freier Dozent
- Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen
- Forschungsmanagement (bis Ende 2025)
- Forschung
- 0,25 Kreditpunkte (KP)
Credit Points: 0,25
Regression is a powerful tool for analyzing relationships between two or more variables. But unfortunately, classic linear regression methods are not suited for dependent variables with only two outcome levels or categorial variables in general. Therefore, problems like predicting the probability of developing cancer (yes or no) from the number of smoked cigarettes per week (and other factors) require an extension of the linear approach. The most important method in this respect is logistic regression, which constitutes an essential tool in medical, biological, and psychological research.
This course is designed for all researchers who want to add logistic regression to their methodological toolbox. Intuitive illustrations, applied examples, and hands-on exercises support a thorough understanding of the respective concepts. To optimally benefit from the workshop, participants should be familiar with the basics of linear regression.
- Understanding of the theoretical foundations of logistic regression
- Confident handling of practical aspects and possible problems
- Confident application of the method in everyday research
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