Anmeldung: Statistics IV - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
Dieser Kurs startet am 12.12.2023.
- 12.12.2023, 09:00 bis 16:00 Uhr, Online
- Dr. Michael Plöchl, Freier Dozent
- Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen
- Forschungsmanagement
- Allgemeine Weiterbildung: Forschung
Credit Points: 0,5 Registrations of doctoral candidates will be considered preferentially. In recent years, artificial neural networks have become state of the art in many fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning in particular. Due to the wide range of possible applications, they have entered many aspects of our everyday lives: Neural networks are used for image searches on the web, for speech recognition in our smartphones, for medical diagnostics, for weather forecasting, and in just a few years from now they might even drive us around town in our autonomous cars. Understanding this seminal technology is not only fascinating because of its potential impact on our future lives, but also because it rests on comparably simple principles. This workshop is designed for everyone interested in artificial neural networks and their functioning. Fundamental concepts will be thoroughly explained and illustrated by examples that are easy to follow. In a hands-on exercise the participants will build their own neural network and teach it to recognize handwritten numbers. Basic statistics knowledge and programming skills are advantageous but not essential to participate in the workshop.
- Understanding the theoretical foundations of artificial neural networks
- Being able to program an artificial neural network from scratch
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Eine Kursbuchung für externe Anlieger*innen ist leider nicht möglich.