Anmeldung: Active & authentic learning: PBL and beyond
Dieser Kurs startet am 20.06.2025. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Zeitraum Selbstlernanteile beinhaltet, die Sie vor, zwischen oder nach den gemeinsamen Terminen individuell bearbeiten müssen.
- 20.06.2025, 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr, Ort: Herrenhaus
1 hour preparation before the course
- Prof. Dr. Arie von der Lugt, Universität Maastricht
- Lehrende
- Hochschuldidaktik
- Medizindidaktik
- Hochschuldidaktik: Methoden
- Medizindidaktik Modul IV Wahlbereich
In PBL, both academic and softer professional skills are fostered in a small-scale learning environment where students actively seek to build upon their prior knowledge by solving problems together. This workshop is aimed at giving teachers from various academic backgrounds further insight into three important aspects of problem based learning:
- the role of the tutor in small learning groups
- course design
- teaching innovations at higher levels (the curriculum and beyond).
After a general introduction, participants are expected to engage in active discussions of these topics, based to a large extent on similar collaborative learning principles.
- Become familiar with the basic principles in Problem Based Learning.
- Develop an appreciation of the tutor role.
- Gain hands on experience with task design.
- Design a PBL course blue-print.
- Reflect on what PBL means for a complete curriculum.
Anmeldung zum Kurs
Buchung für externe Teilnehmer*innen
Dieser Kurs kann kostenpflichtig gebucht werden.
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