Anmeldung: Good Scientific Practice – Protecting Research Integrity [ENG]
Dieser Kurs startet am 23.10.2025 und läuft bis zum 24.10.2025. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Zeitraum Selbstlernanteile beinhaltet, die Sie vor, zwischen oder nach den gemeinsamen Terminen individuell bearbeiten müssen.
- 23.10.2025, 09:30 bis 16:15 Uhr, Online
- 24.10.2025, 09:30 bis 16:15 Uhr, Online
This course includes additional self-study time (approximately 4 hours) after the course date.
- Dr. biol. hum. Michael Gommel, Organisationsberater, Berlin
- Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen
- Forschungsmanagement
- Allgemeine Weiterbildung: Forschung
- 0,75 Kreditpunkte (KP)
Registrations of doctoral candidates will be considered preferentially.
The major objective of the workshop “Good Scientific Practice – Protecting Scientific Integrity” is to know and understand the basic rules and values of the responsible conduct of research in all its stages, according to local, national and international regulations and guidelines. The participants will explore the differences and grey areas between good scientific practice, questionable research practice and scientific misconduct. They will learn how misconduct can be recognized and prevented, and how it should be addressed and dealt with in case it occurs, and what damage it can cause if handled improperly. The participants will learn to develop appropriate solutions for difficult situations in the process of science and receive advice on how to protect their scientific work. They are encouraged to speak with colleagues and the appropriate institutions about mistakes and problems. The content of the workshop follows the curriculum “Good scientific practice” which was commissioned by and developed in cooperation with the German Research Ombudsman. The online workshop encourages the active involvement of the participants and features case discussions, individual working sessions, plenary discussions, and information input. Additional material and other resources will be provided after the workshop. The participants should sit in a quiet room alone, and will need a computer with fast internet access, a suitable browser, a headset or microphone/speakers, and a camera.
- Good scientific practice and misconduct in the research process
- Data management and documentation in the research process
- Authorship and the process of publication
- Dealing with scientific misconduct and conflicts
Dies ist ein Onlinekurs.
Nach der Anmeldung finden Sie im Kurs weitere Informationen.
Den virtuellen Kursraum finden Sie spätestens kurz vor dem Termin ebenfalls im Kurs.
Anmeldung zum Kurs
Buchung für externe Teilnehmer*innen
Dieser Kurs kann kostenpflichtig gebucht werden.
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