Anmeldung: Applying Outside Academia (part 2) – Interviews and Salaries [ENG]
Dieser Kurs startet am 24.09.2025 und läuft bis zum 09.10.2025. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Zeitraum Selbstlernanteile beinhaltet, die Sie vor, zwischen oder nach den gemeinsamen Terminen individuell bearbeiten müssen.
- 24.09.2025, 15:00 bis 17:15 Uhr, Online
- 01.10.2025, 15:00 bis 16:30 Uhr, Online
- 09.10.2025, 10:30 bis 12:00 Uhr, Online, group session (group 1)
- 09.10.2025, 13:30 bis 15:00 Uhr, Online, group session (group 2)
- 09.10.2025, 15:00 bis 16:30 Uhr, Online, group session (group 3)
Self-study time: 4 h (Self-study course 2:20 h + Preparing a self presentation 1:30 h)Kursleitung
- Heidi Störr, Push Your Career
- Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen
- ohne
- Allgemeine Weiterbildung: Karriere
- 0,25 Kreditpunkte (KP)
Doctoral researchers and
postdocs who have little application knowledge and are looking for a new
employment in the next 12 months
In a live webinar we will talk about typical salaries for job starters and criteria which can influence the salary. We practice a salary calculation method you can use to determine a salary for a specific position. At the end various research options are introduced which you can use to find out more about a company´s internal salary structure.
In a following self-study training you get general information about your preparation for job interviews, including suitable clothing, time of arrival and research about the company. You learn more about the classical interview structure and receive advice for a professional self-introduction and special interview situations such as online or by telephone. Subsequently, a video seminar explains the right approach to a salary negotiation and how to avoid common mistakes. Additionally, you get to know alternative options to substitute a lower payment offer.
In a follow-up workshop we work out answers for typical questions a recruiter asks you during the interview.
In a third appointment you can exercise your self-presentation and receive feedback.
Live sessions will be held in English. Self-study courses are available in English and German.
Part I - Applying Outside Academia - Job Search & Application will take place in June 2024.
- • Determination of salaries
• Preparation and phases of interviews
• Answering interviewer questions
• Salary negotiation procedure
Please also note the separate course in June 2024: ApplyingOutside Academia (Part 1) - Job Search & Applications
Dies ist ein Onlinekurs.
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Den virtuellen Kursraum finden Sie spätestens kurz vor dem Termin ebenfalls im Kurs.
Anmeldung zum Kurs
Buchung für externe Teilnehmer*innen
Dieser Kurs kann kostenpflichtig gebucht werden.
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