Anmeldung: Career Networking [ENG]
Dieser Kurs startet am 04.12.2025 und läuft bis zum 05.12.2025. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Zeitraum Selbstlernanteile beinhaltet, die Sie vor, zwischen oder nach den gemeinsamen Terminen individuell bearbeiten müssen.
- 04.12.2025, 13:00 bis 17:00 Uhr, Online
- 05.12.2025, 09:00 bis 13:00 Uhr, Online
Self-study time: 2,5 hKursleitung
- Nicole Scherf, iorg GmbH
- Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen
- ohne
- Allgemeine Weiterbildung: Karriere
- 0,75 Kreditpunkte (KP)
Building a professional network has never been more important. People work with people they know, trust and like. Young scientists do not only become successful because of what they know or are capable of achieving, but also because of who they know. In addition, one can learn from and draw on the expertise and experience of the people in ones network. Conventional advice instructs people on the how and the why of networking, but does little to address the deeper problem: getting and staying motivated to take part in this “necessary evil”. A recent paper written by Ko Kuwabara, Associate Professor at INSEAD, and published in Academy of Management Review and Social Networks mount a theoretical and experimental attack on this problem by exploring ways in which people’s hidden beliefs can hold them back from networking. Ko Kuwabara and his team's findings indicate that challenging these beliefs can alter people’s propensity to engage in real-world networking. Whether one’s mindset is growth or fixed may predict one’s motivation to perform uncomfortable or unfamiliar activities (such as learning a new language). We will use these ideas to empower participants to mobilise their strengths in networking.
- Learn more about the role and impact of professional networking for their career trajectory.
- Experience how to connect and build social capital in a virtual world.
- Learn how to keep networks alive in a low-touch economy and over a longer period of time.
- Learn how to assess the quality of their current professional network, and how to define networking goals.
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Buchung für externe Teilnehmer*innen
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