Anmeldung: Professor wanted! Planning and optimizing your academic career [ENG]
Dieser Kurs startet am 23.05.2025.
- 23.05.2025, 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr, Online
- Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt, schainundkuchenbrandt GbR, Düsseldorf
- Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen
- ohne
- Allgemeine Weiterbildung: Karriere
- 0,5 Kreditpunkte (KP)
This course is primarily intended for doctoral candidates at the end of their doctoral project and postdocs.
The aim of the seminar is, on the one hand, to provide you with a framework for reflecting on your own professional motives. On the other hand, the seminar offers knowledge, background and orientation for planning and developing the next steps towards a long-term academic career in Germany. Questions will be discussed such as: What long-term career options does the academic job market offer for researchers and what are the actual chances here? What requirements and criteria should be met for this career path? When are which tasks particularly important? What has the highest priority? How important is the habilitation? What time frame is appropriate? The seminar will inform you about the central requirements (also beyond publications and third-party funding) and milestones for an academic career. Furthermore, the seminar will provide you with concrete tips and advice on both the weighting of these requirements and on strategic considerations during the PhD and postdoc phase on the path to a professorship. Building on this, the seminar offers you the opportunity to take stock and reflect on your own academic profile and ideally derive the next important steps from this.
- Have an overview of long-term options on the German academic job market
- Understand the requirements for obtaining a professorship
- Assess your own academic profile
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Buchung für externe Teilnehmer*innen
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