Anmeldung: Ethics in Science [for doctoral students of all disciplines] [ENG]
Dieser Kurs startet am 28.03.2025 und läuft bis zum 04.04.2025. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Zeitraum Selbstlernanteile beinhaltet, die Sie vor, zwischen oder nach den gemeinsamen Terminen individuell bearbeiten müssen.
- 28.03.2025, 09:00 bis 13:00 Uhr, Online
- 04.04.2025, 09:00 bis 15:00 Uhr, Deadline for the follow-up task
Self-study time: 1 h: 0.5 h before and 0.5 h after the course (mandatory)
- Dr. Roland Bluhm, Dr. Roland Bluhm & Dr. Nico Naeve GbR
- Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen
- Forschungsmanagement
- Allgemeine Weiterbildung: Forschung
- 0,25 Kreditpunkte (KP)
Credit Points: 0,25
Registrations of doctoral candidates will be considered preferentially.
The Ethics of Science deals with ethical questions that may arise with a view to science in general and to the work of scientists concretely, for example:
• Which aspects of science can be the subject of an ethical evaluation? Is science not supposed to be value-free and objective?
• Do scientists bear responsibility for the methods and results of their research? To whom?
• Which concrete ethical problems can arise in different areas of scientific research?
• What is scientific misconduct, and how does it relate to other ethical issues in science?
The workshop focuses on the fundamental aspects touched on by such questions. It gives an introduction to and some orientation in the Ethics of Science and thus prepares the participants to engage with more concrete ethical questions in the thematically focused courses of the qualification programme, e.g. on research on human beings or on good scientific practice.
The workshop does not presuppose knowledge of the Ethics of Science.
Learning goals
- Learners can place the Ethics of Science within the Philosophy of Science and explain some of its core issues.
- They can apply relevant concepts of the Ethics of Science.
- They can reproduce the main features of a model of ethical decision-making and apply its most important steps to questions of the Ethics of Science.
- They are keen to learn more about ethical issues that relate to their own work as scientists
- Learners perceive ethical issues in scientists’ activities as ethical issues.
- They are interested in further exploring ethical aspects in relation to their own scientific activities.
- They are prepared to be guided by a rational decision-making model in their ethical decision-making in relation to their scientific activities.
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Buchung für externe Teilnehmer*innen
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