Log in to Weiterbildungsportal der Universität zu Lübeck
Is this your first time here?
Do you belong to the University of Lübeck?
You automatically have a user account and can log in directly on this page with your IDM data log in.
Do you belong to the TH Lübeck, FZ Borstel, Fraunhofer IMTE or UKSH Campus Lübeck?
As a member of a cooperating institution, please select the fitting one from the following pages to register your own user account here:
Are you a practice partner in the health science study programs?
You can find all information about the registration for the health science certificate for practical trainers here.
Would you like to participate in a course as an external guest?
If it is possible to book a course for a fee, you will find the relevant booking information on the respective course page.
If you have any further questions, please contact dsc.service@uni-luebeck.de.